domenica 18 novembre 2012

Chiara's cinnamon pudding

Ingredients for 5 people

500 ml of sweet soya milk (or rice milk or oatmeal milk)
50 gr of white flour
50 ml of extra vergin olive oil
100 gr brown sugar
powdered cinnamon


Heat the oil in a rather large pan over low heat (calculate that the pudding grows in volumn). Remove it from the heat and gradually add the flour, mixing well to obtain a thick consistency. Add the sugar. Put the pan back over the heat and dilute the mixture with the milk that has been pre-heated. Add the milk a little at a time, mixing well so as not to form lunps. Mix well till the pudding thickens.
Add the cinnamon to your liking, and pour immediately into individual molds or cups.
Let cool at room temperature. Sprinkle on top with cinnamon and put into frigidaire.
Ingredients for 12 persons.

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